I want to thank my wonderful friend from Gayby Rabies for the Meds. K responded great to the Gonal-F that neither of us had ever tried before and we believe it was the good luck that topped it all off.
Sorry I haven't written all week. I haven't been able to log in from work and I wanted to so bad tell you all about how K was feeling and all the little symptoms and signs.
I knew you were all pulling for us. It came so clear to me how much our results affect eachother when my friend F from Luckylittle13 called me crying tears of joy from my news. It was the best reaction I could have asked for.
I know you are wondering Beta numbers. Now I don't know much about this stuff, but she tested this morning is was 12 (maybe 13) days past insem and her number was 36. She will test again Monday. She was told anything over 1 is pregnant and anything over 25 is great.
I'm still in shock. I will update you Monday on our next Beta number.
Love you all!