Friday, January 31, 2014

Planning Round 2

Finally heard from the baby doctor.  Looks like we can't get IVF #2 scheduled for a few months.  End of April.  All the appointments are taken for this cycle.  So, I have to wait until next. 

I'm surprisingly good with waiting.  I think the break will do me good. 

Even though our first IVF didn't work I feel really good that the embryo embedded.  I feel good that I got pregnant at all even though it didn't last.  But what I don't feel good about is being so sick through the whole process.  Coughing so much and being so miserable.  I'm looking forward to another chance to enjoy the process instead of only thinking about how sick I felt.

More to come later.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bad New Received.....

Well, it turns out I was wrong but the end result will be the same.

Turns out I am actually pregnant.  The embryo implanted.  BUT my beta is only a 3. That is not good.  Looks like the pregnancy isn't going to make it.  I retest again Thursday morning to see if there is any chance at all, but I'm not counting on it.  Not trying to be a negative person.  I'm just a realist. 

Expecting bad news....

Because I'm a very impatient person I took a home test last night and this morning.  Both negative.  I went in for the blood test this morning.  The woman taking my blood asked me if I tested and when I told her yes and it was negative she actually gave me her condolences.  Of course she back peddled and told me maybe my levels weren't high enough to register, but she knew just like me that it must not have worked. 

Thankfully we have prepaid for multiple tries.  Thankfully we have 7 frozen embryos.  We will try again. 

If by some miracle the blood work is actually positive I'll write again.  Otherwise I'll check in again later. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

It's finally here

It's finally going to happen.  IVF.  This Sunday.  My donor (the awesome & generous anonymous woman) has given us 18 eggs and as of today 16 have fertilized and are growing.  I'll have another update on Saturday and given the time for our appointment on Sunday. 

I'll admit that I never thought we'd ever try again.  I'll admit that for years while trying to pull my life back together from the first go round I was just going through the motions.  Saying the right things but not believing it.  Well, it's here.  Now, I know IVF is never a guarantee for success and at the end of all this I still might end up with no baby at all.  But I'm happy to be trying again. 

That's my update.  Short & Sweet.