Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hello everyone. I know it's been a while since my last update. There really isn't alot but here's what's new.

K's cyst is still holding on strong so we're keeping her on BCP's for another 2 weeks. We picked a new donor who has only been with CCB for less then a year but already has over 5 reported pregnancies. Good swimmers!! Not to say that is going to make it happen this time, but I think it couldn't hurt. Thanks to one of my friends in blogland we have enough injectable meds for our next try. Our last try will probably be a clomid only try. We haven't totally decided to not buy the injectables for the last try, but if we did that would be another $2,000 and I just don't know if that will be possible. We'll see.

As for me. I'm getting better. I wouldn't have said that last week or even this past weekend, because I was having chest pain. Really more lung pain. I was really afraid that I was getting more clots (PE's) in my lungs. I went for a Chest CT yesterday and I was told that the clots in my lungs have been "resolved". I asked if that means they are gone and they said yes. GREAT NEWS. So, why the pain you ask.... I have pneumonia. I never thought I'd be so happy to hear I have pneumonia but I'll take that over clots anyday. After a week of medicine I'll be much better.

Someone asked me in my last post what is a good email to get a hold of me. I do check but not daily. If you want to email me I do check almost daily. When emailing me please put TTC in the subject because I've had that email so long I get alot of junk so I click, click, click...delete if I don't know who the person is.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Round 6

After going back and forth about whether to try and again or not we have decided to take advantage of still having insurance that covers most of the cost and try again.

We went in yesterday so K's day 3 u/s and there was a cyst. K will be on BCP's for a couple weeks to calm things down and hopefully that cyst will go away. It looked like it was already starting to break up.

We are also busy trying to pick a new donor.

That's about it for us on the TTC subject.

I'm feeling alot better. I'm taking my blood thinners everyday and taking it easy so my body can do what it needs to do to break down the clots. I go back to working Job #2 this week. Even though I've loved all the time off I'm looking forward to getting back to work.