Monday, May 18, 2009


TWW is going by pretty fast because we are just so busy. We have so many projects around the house that need done so we really haven't been obsessing yet.

K's on the progesterone this cycle so that will give her all the symptoms of being pregnant whether she is or isn't. BUT....

K's having weird cravings. She hates mustard and pickles. I eat her pickles. This weekend she ate mustard and pickles all weekend. On her burger Saturday at work and yesterday with brats.

Sign??? Maybe. I thought is was very cute.


  1. Well coming from someone who HATES mustard and pickles (me!), I would say that is one major craving that would make me think "hmmm" as well.
    Glad your TWW is going quickly. May it end with a big fat smile.

  2. Sounds like a classic sign to me! It's great to hear that you're keeping busy during the TWW.

  3. Oh I hope hope hope that the weird eating pattern is a god sign... kinda sounds like it to me.

  4. that was supposed to be "good sign" not "god sign". The former is fantastic the latter is... well... somewhat less frequnt. :)

  5. ive got fingers crossed that its a good sign!! :D

  6. Hoping this is it for you two!!

  7. Hi! I think I have finally figured out how to post a comment on your blog (I'm not so good with the computers). Just wanted to say that I hope those weird cravings are a good sign!

  8. Oh, that's a sign all right! I hope this is IT!

  9. Oh I hope it's a sign - definitely got everything crossed for you!
