K had an u/s Saturday. The follies were still growing. Slowly, but growing. She had another dose of Bravelle Saturday night and they had us make another appt for an u/s for this morning. Today is cd15. K's cycles are usually shorter so we've been worried all weekend that she was going to ovulate on her own and we would miss it.
We had another u/s this morning and she has 2 perfect size 18mm follicles and we're triggering tonight and insem Wednesday morning.
We only do 1 insem a cycle. What are your feelings or experiences regarding 1 insem vs. 2 insems? My RE's office said there isn't any real research out there that says 2 is better then 1. It's more about the timing. Just wondering what your thoughts are.
I still need to catch up on what's going on with everyone else so I'm hoping I see some good news.
Also, GOOD LUCK to F from luckylittle13. She is having surgery today.
9 years ago
Some people swear by two insems, because it is better for covering the fertile window. I stopped doing two, though, after six cycles b/c it was just too damn expensive. Everything I've read leads me to believe that it does increase your chances some, but it doesn't double them. So why double your cost (2x the sperm)? I'm frankly relieved at this point that my doc only does one per cycle.
ReplyDeleteThe fancy fertility center I used to go to does two. I think it might be a bit of laziness on their part, actually. They seemed to follow a formula for all of their patients, and I never really got the sense that they were paying all that much attention to MY cycle. 2 inseminations seemed to be a way to cover their bases since they were not being very specific with timing. It's also a great way for them to squeeze some more money out of you. If you are being monitored carefully, one insem per cycle should be fine.
ReplyDeleteIt IS all about the timing, and because I'm a worry wart, I like doing two insems, because you have a better chance at catching the window. But having moved to IUI, we're only doing one, because while we can do two ICI vials (sort of) we can't afford two IUI vials (at all).
ReplyDeleteMy doc only does one, and I'm glad, because the cost of 2/month was too much for us. Fortunately, the once/cycle worked. I agree with N that it is really about the timing.
ReplyDeleteWe have done 1 and 2 cycles and the 2 cycles are so expensive that I don't think the cost outweighs the outcome. Our cycle last month that was positive, was with only one insem, 36 hours post trigger. My RE refuses to do 2 insems in a cycle, and she was the one that got me knocked up, so I am going with her theory. It is all mind-numbing and believe me, I tried every combination of timing, 12 & 36, 24, 36, 48...I agree that it is all about the right timing. You timing and follicle size sound EXACTLY like my last cycle, so here's hoping!
ReplyDeleteOur RE said there is no research that 2 insems "time correctly" increases your chances but if you aren't sure of the exact window 2 would seem logical to help.
ReplyDeleteWhen we were doing IUIs with my old (incompetent) RE, he did two insems per month. We never got PG (5 cycles). My new (competent) RE does not believe in 2 per month. We never did IUIs with him, but in discussing what we had already been doing he let us know he thought it was BS (along with most of the other stuff our old RE did). Not that I'm bitter or anything...
ReplyDeletehorray for the great follicles! wishing you two tons of luck this week!
ReplyDeletemy RE insists on only doing one insem per cycle unless the client demands otherwise. he believes its a waste of sperm and $$ and time (assuming the first insem is properly monitored and timed).
My midwife only does one insem a cycle she said they found that it didn't increase the odds enough. It worked well for us and we couldn't afford to do 2 per month anyway.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the trigger and insem!! Hopefully the second time's a charm.